Seminars & Educational Workshops
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Join us for free seminars and educational workshops that can help you get more from your investments.
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Lifelong Tax Cutting Seminar
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- Free Simple Tax Filing Service for 2015-2016 *clients only
- New Government: Impact on my RRSP and TFSA
- Tax Cutting Strategies
- Every Wednesday 7:00-8:00 pm
- Every Saturday 2:00-3:00 pm
- 716 Gordon Baker Rd. Suite 206, North York, ON, M2H 3B4
- Free
- Refreshments and Snack will be served
Register Here
Advanced Tax Planning Seminar
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- Income and Taxes
- Corporate Taxes
- TFSAs – How To Use Them
- How To Tax Deduct Your Mortgage
- Every Wednesday 7:00-8:00 pm
- 716 Gordon Baker Rd. Suite 206, North York, ON, M2H 3B4
- Free
- Refreshments and Snack will be served
Register Here
How To Properly Prepare For Your Retirement Seminar
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- CPP and OAS – How Does It Work
- RRSPs vs TFSAs
- Insured Annuity
- Every Monday 7:00-8:00 pm
- 716 Gordon Baker Rd. Suite 206, North York, ON, M2H 3B4
- Free
- Refreshments and Snack will be served
Register Here
Planning For Your Children’s Future Education Seminar
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- What might university costs be for our children?
- What type of education savings vehicle should we use?
- Are we saving enough to eventually, to move to a better school district? Pay for university?
- How do we apply for S.I.N?
- What kind of government subsidies are we eligible for? And how do we get these subsidies?
- Should we save for our children’s future education now (RESP) or let them borrow from the government later (OSAP)?
- What benefits do we get from opening an RESP?
- How should we choose the RESP provider that best suits our needs?
- How much should we contribute to the RESP account and how frequent should it be?
- Why choose RESP to fund your children’s education compared to other investments?
- Every Wednesday 7:00-8:00 pm
- 716 Gordon Baker Rd. Suite 206, North York, ON, M2H 3B4
- Free
- Refreshments and Snack will be served
Register Here
First Step To Your Children’s Financial Stability Seminar
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- At what age should we open a savings account for our children?
- Why should I get insurance for my children?
- What savings and investment plans should I have for my children?
- Why is it important to save for your children now as oppose to later?
- What can we do now to prepare for our children’s financial prosperity in the future?
- Every Saturday 2:00-4:00 pm
- 716 Gordon Baker Rd. Suite 206, North York, ON, M2H 3B4
- Free
- Refreshments and Snack will be served
Register Here
Financial Planning For Young Families Seminar
click here to expandDescription:
- Are we saving enough to eventually, move into a larger home? Fund retirement?
- How much Life Insurance should we have? Who should it be on? How much of it should be through my work-group insurance?
- What employee benefits should we be taking advantage of to potentially save money such as salary sacrifice
- How much disability insurance do I need? Should I purchase more than what’s available through my work?
- What estate planning do we need? Will a will suffice? Or should we be having a trust or powers of attorney
- Every Thursday 7:00-8:00 pm
- 716 Gordon Baker Rd. Suite 206, North York, ON, M2H 3B4
- Free
- Refreshments and Snack will be served
Register Here
If you are interested in any of these seminars or education curriculum, please don’t hesitate to contact us at for more information and to reserve a spot. Spaces are limited.