Our Advantages

We are experienced, licensed independent brokers who endeavor to provide you with professional financial services.  Because we don’t place business exclusively through a single company, you can be assured that your interests and needs will come first.


Top 10 Reasons to choose CWF

  1. You will get professional unbiased advice.
  2. Your plan will be customized specifically for you.
  3. We will save you time and money by comparing all the plans in the market for you.
  4. You will work with some of the top financial experts in the industry.
  5. You will receive a free CWF Vip card and be granted membership to our exclusive loyalty benefit program.  For more info click here.
  6. A dedicated support team will assist you during claim time.
  7. We will exceed your expectations.
  8. We speak through clarity and through clarity we will establish trust.
  9. We will walk you through all the necessary paperwork making the process as seamless and as trouble free as possible.
  10. Because we know every client is important.  Because we know you are important.
